Přeskočit na obsah

Add Entries mannually

Tento obsah zatím není dostupný ve vašem jazyce.

To add a BibTeX entry in CiteDrive, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add button in the action bar at the top left of your navigation, then select Manually add Entry from the dropdown menu.

Choose 'Manually add Entry'

  1. In the editor field in the opened window, type the @ sign. A pop-over window will appear, allowing you to select the “Entry-Type” of your reference.

BibTeX Autocomplete

  1. Choose the entry type, and CiteDrive will generate the correct BibTeX entry for you, complete with the necessary fields and a citekey.

BibTeX Autocomplete Template

  1. Enter the required values in the fields and click on “Add.”

BibTeX Autocomplete Example