A case of Bell’s palsy successfully treated with homoeopathy
Srigiri G. S. Chakravarthy- Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Bell’s palsy is an acute unilateral facial palsy of the lower motor neuron type predominantly affecting middle aged men. Although exact aetiology is unknown, but probable causes include entrapment of the nerve at the mental foramen and vasospasm due to external factors. Surgical management along with medical management provides an assuring relief for the Bell’s palsy sufferers, may produce adverse effects such as facial nerve palsy or post-surgical synkinesis. Homoeopathic medicines, when selected based on signs and symptoms, act on the vital force dynamically and gently restore the nerve functioning to normal. Here, we present a case of left-sided Bell’s palsy recovered with homoeopathic medicines prescribed on the basis of causation and side affinity. The recovery was assessed by the House Brackmann scale and the quality of life was assessed using the modified Naranjo criteria.