Catherine Mitchell, David Drapeau, Sunny Pinkham, William M Balch

A chlorophyll a, non‐photochemical fluorescence quenching correction method for autonomous underwater vehicles in shelf sea environments

  • Ocean Engineering

AbstractAutonomous underwater vehicles provide water column observations of phytoplankton biomass using chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorometers. However, under high incident light, phytoplankton fluorescence yield decreases in a process known as non‐photochemical quenching, resulting in a reduced Chl a fluorescence signal. Methods have been developed to identify and remove the quenched signal from observations by autonomous underwater vehicles. These existing methods rely on assumptions of the homogeneity of the system, both in terms of time (i.e., between day and night observations) and space (i.e., within the water column or between neighboring profiles). These assumptions are not valid in shallow shelf seas or when sampling across different water masses. Thus, we evaluate six new quenching correction methods based on an existing ocean‐based method, but adapted for a continental shelf sea environment where the water mass changes between night and day observations. We have included two main changes to the existing method. First, we interpolate the unquenched, nighttime signal across the daytime observations and use this as a reference for correcting the quenched, daytime signal. Second, we explore the inclusion of a fluorescence quenching depth limit. By interpolating nighttime observations across daytime periods, the diel changes in non‐photochemical quenching were separated from the phytoplankton population changes. The proposed methods all show improved performance compared to existing approach. The methods presented here, and the approach used to evaluate them, are applicable in other shelf sea environments, enabling studies using autonomous Chl a fluorescence data across shelf sea ecosystems.

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