A metadata design for humanities research data based on semantic structure of research literature
Byoung-Goon AnIn order to enhance the comprehensibility and reusability of research data, this study proposes a method that links the semantic structure of research papers with research data metadata, providing insights into the production process and research data context. The research entails the development of a metadata schema based on the semantic structure of humanities research papers. This schema was constructed by aligning ‘metadata based on the semantic structure of research papers’ with ‘metadata derived from research data repositories’ and organising them into a hierarchical structure. Subsequently, an expert evaluation was conducted to assess each metadata element and schema, leading to the refinement of the metadata schema based on expert feedback. The finalised schema encompasses 17 elements in the ‘research paper’ class, 29 in the ‘research data dataset’ class, and 5 in the ‘research data file’ class.