DOI: 10.1111/jog.15962 ISSN: 1341-8076

A rare case of extraluminal interstitial pregnancy treated with laparoscopic cornuotomy

Hiroki Kurosawa, Tadashi Watanabe, Naoto Sato, Yuma Muraoka, Yukiko Matsuzawa, Yoh Watanabe


We report an extremely rare case of an extraluminal interstitial pregnancy. A 36‐year‐old nulliparous woman visited our hospital during the fifth week of gestation. Although no intrauterine gestational sac (GS) was identified, transabdominal ultrasonography revealed a GS‐like cyst was detected in the right uterine horn. She underwent laparoscopic surgery for a suspected interstitial ectopic pregnancy. After laparoscopic cornuotomy, dye leakage was observed from the fimbria rather than the incision site. Finally, the patient was diagnosed with a right extraluminal interstitial pregnancy. Hysterosalpingography performed at three postoperative months revealed bilateral tubal passage. She conceived 7 months after surgery, with safe delivery by elective cesarean section at 38 weeks.

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