A Review on the Phenomenon of Synchronization in EEG Signals of Humans and its Application in Detection of Neurological Disorders
Mohd Suhaib Kidwai, Mohd. Maroof SiddiquiNumerous physical and biological systems demonstrate synchronization phenomena. Early investigations focused on the synchronization of dual pendulum tickers connected by a common shaft (it was within this system that Huygens discovered synchronization), the synchronized flashing of fireflies, or the interactions of adjacent channels capable of effectively annihilating one another. The exploration of chaotic synchronization did not gain significant attraction until the 1980s. The synchronization pattern was observed in the biological signals and it was observed through studies that these patterns show changes with respect to change in the body activities. So further studies were being conducted to refine and record these signals and convert them inti human readable form. Later on, these synchronization patterns in the recorded bio signals like EEG (Electroencephalogram), ECG (Electrocardiogram) etc. were used for detection of neurological disorders. This study discusses about the works related to the detection of neurological disorders with the help of synchronization in the EEG signals that are recorded from brain and gives a clear view how EEG signals and their synchronization has been used time and again for studying and diagnosing disorders like epilepsy, bruxism etc.