A Robust and Compact Population Code for Competing Sounds in Auditory Cortex
Jian Carlo Nocon, Jake Witter, Howard Gritton, Xue Han, Conor Houghton, Kamal Sen- Physiology
- General Neuroscience
Cortical circuits encoding sensory information consist of populations of neurons, yet how information aggregates via pooling individual cells remains poorly understood. Such pooling may be particularly important in noisy settings where single neuron encoding is degraded. One example is the cocktail party problem, with competing sounds from multiple spatial locations. How populations of neurons in auditory cortex code competing sounds have not been previously investigated. Here, we apply a novel information theoretic approach to estimate information in populations of neurons in mouse auditory cortex about competing sounds from multiple spatial locations, including both summed population and labeled line codes. We find that a small subset of neurons is sufficient to nearly maximize mutual information over different spatial configurations, with the labeled line code outperforming the summed population code and approaching information levels attained in the absence of competing stimuli. Finally, information in the labeled line code increases with spatial separation between target and masker, in correspondence with behavioral results on spatial release from masking in humans and animals. Taken together, our results reveal that a compact population of neurons in auditory cortex provide a robust code for competing sounds from different spatial locations.