A Study on Juvenile Justice Board in Tamil Nadu
S. Venkatesan, A. V. Bharane Tharan, Ms. Raveena R. Nair- General Medicine
Juvenile justice Board is made under the juvenile justice act of section 8 under rule 3 that juvenile justice Board is made in every district to exercise the powers and discharge duties relating to children in conflict with law. So in this research we are going to see the effects and functions of the juvenile boards in Tamilnadu, as a land of immense diversities faces too many parameters of justice from its societal level to its judiciary. The main aim of the study Is to know about the functions of juvenile justice board in Tamilnadu. The researcher has done an empirical method by using convenient sampling method. The sample size is 200.The dependent and independent variables such as age, gender and occupation have been used. The result and the conclusion of the study is proper effect of juvenile justice boards will reduce the juvenile delinquency in India. Findings juvenile justice induces the positive effects in the society where it leads to the increase number of rehabilitation of larger juveniles very shorter term ,no matter what juvenile offenders should be trailed under juvenile justice board and should never to adult criminal court, incarcerating juvenile offenders is beneficial to society, By including the provision for 16 to 18 year-olds to be tried like adults in case of heinous crimes