DOI: 10.3390/en16248048 ISSN: 1996-1073

Adjustable Capability Evaluation of Integrated Energy Systems Considering Demand Response and Economic Constraints

Yang Li, Rongqiang Li, Linjun Shi, Feng Wu, Jianhua Zhou, Jian Liu, Keman Lin
  • Energy (miscellaneous)
  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Control and Optimization
  • Engineering (miscellaneous)
  • Building and Construction

The coupling between multiple energy sources such as electricity, gas, and heat is strengthened in an integrated energy system (IES), and this, in turn, improves the operational flexibility of the IES. As an upper-level energy supply system, an IES can play a role as virtual energy storage, which can provide regulating power to smooth out the volatility from large-scale renewable energy generation. The establishment of an aggregating virtual energy storage model for IESs has become an important issue. Under this background, a multi-objective optimization-based adjustable capacity evaluation method is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the mathematical model of an IES considering the coupling of multiple kinds of energy forms is proposed. Then, an aggregating model considering demand response and economic constraints is established to demonstrate the adjustable capacity of the IES. In addition, multi-objective optimization is used to identify parameters in the proposed model, and the normal boundary intersection (NBI) method is used to solve the problem. Finally, a simulation example is provided to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method. The external energy demand boundary of the IES can be modeled as virtual energy storage, and the coupling relations of electricity and gas can be presented. Case studies demonstrate that economic constraints narrow the adjustable capacity of the IES while the demand response extends it.

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