Advancing the accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 phosphorylation site detection via meta-learning approach
Nhat Truong Pham, Le Thi Phan, Jimin Seo, Yeonwoo Kim, Minkyung Song, Sukchan Lee, Young-Jun Jeon, Balachandran Manavalan- Molecular Biology
- Information Systems
The worldwide appearance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has generated significant concern and posed a considerable challenge to global health. Phosphorylation is a common post-translational modification that affects many vital cellular functions and is closely associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Precise identification of phosphorylation sites could provide more in-depth insight into the processes underlying SARS-CoV-2 infection and help alleviate the continuing COVID-19 crisis. Currently, available computational tools for predicting these sites lack accuracy and effectiveness. In this study, we designed an innovative meta-learning model, Meta-Learning for Serine/Threonine Phosphorylation (MeL-STPhos), to precisely identify protein phosphorylation sites. We initially performed a comprehensive assessment of 29 unique sequence-derived features, establishing prediction models for each using 14 renowned machine learning methods, ranging from traditional classifiers to advanced deep learning algorithms. We then selected the most effective model for each feature by integrating the predicted values. Rigorous feature selection strategies were employed to identify the optimal base models and classifier(s) for each cell-specific dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report two cell-specific models and a generic model for phosphorylation site prediction by utilizing an extensive range of sequence-derived features and machine learning algorithms. Extensive cross-validation and independent testing revealed that MeL-STPhos surpasses existing state-of-the-art tools for phosphorylation site prediction. We also developed a publicly accessible platform at We believe that MeL-STPhos will serve as a valuable tool for accelerating the discovery of serine/threonine phosphorylation sites and elucidating their role in post-translational regulation.