Adverse reactions to cosmetic implants after COVID ‐19 vaccination: A literature review
Wen‐jie Cheng, Zi‐xing Cai, Xiao‐jun Tang - Dermatology
As the world's population of people vaccinated with the COVID‐19 vaccine increases, adverse reactions are increasingly being reported. There have been progressive reports of the effects of COVID‐19 vaccination on cosmetic fillers or prostheses, but they have not been reviewed based on their clinical morphologic patterns. This article reviewed the progress of research on adverse reactions to cosmetic implants after COVID‐19 vaccination.
We researched the English‐language literature up to October 15, 2022, using predefined keywords to identify relevant studies about adverse reactions to cosmetic implants after the COVID‐19 vaccination, collecting patient characteristics, implant type, the time interval between vaccination and implantation or injection, time of onset, symptoms, treatments, and outcomes.
Among the adverse reactions to implants associated with COVID‐19 vaccination, we distinguished between (1) injectable fillers and (2) surgical prosthetic implants. The most common adverse reactions were at the site of hyaluronic acid injection and breast prosthesis after Pfizer vaccination, mainly DIRs, and mainly manifested as edema, rash, fever, and capsular contracture. This paper also reported the possible causes, treatments of DIRs, and limitations of current studies.
In this article, we attempted to investigate and discuss all the adverse reactions of cosmetic implants related to COVID‐19 vaccination in the current literature, to unmask these reactions and make a more accurate assessment of vaccine safety.