DOI: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240902.14 ISSN: 2575-3363

An Assessment of the Challenges of Student Nursing Mothers of St. Ambrose College of Education in Ghana

Amedorme Dorcas, Konadu Adam, George Kyereme, Patrick Mensah
The study explored the challenges student mothers in St. Ambrose College of Education and its related impact on the education of these students. It also considered the various techniques employed by the student mothers in coping with the challenges. The researchers adopted the case study design to address the research questions, which to a larger extent explored a qualitative research design. This approach allowed the researchers to collect and analyze data, and presented results with much convenience. The instrument used for data collection was primarily an interview schedule. Data were analyzed based on themes in relation to the research questions. The study found out that majority of the respondents faced challenges such as lack of concentration in class, an inadequate time for personal studies which leads to poor academic performance. To cope with these challenges, the respondents relied on their family members, and the services of nannies. They also relied on their colleagues to help them academically. The study recommended among other things that there is the need to provide lactating rooms and counseling services for student nursing mothers of St. Ambrose College of Education.

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