An automated learning model for twitter sentiment analysis using Ranger AdaBelief optimizer based Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory
Sasirekha Natarajan, Smitha Kurian, Parameshachari Bidare Divakarachari, Przemysław Falkowski‐Gilski Abstract
Sentiment analysis is an automated approach which is utilized in process of analysing textual data to describe public opinion. The sentiment analysis has major role in creating impact in the day‐to‐day life of individuals. However, a precise interpretation of text still relies as a major concern in classifying sentiment. So, this research introduced Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory with Ranger AdaBelief Optimizer (Bi‐LSTM RAO) to classify sentiment of tweets. Initially, data is obtained from Twitter API, Sentiment 140 and Stanford Sentiment Treebank‐2 (SST‐2). The raw data is pre‐processed and it is subjected to feature extraction which is performed using Bag of Words (BoW) and Term Frequency‐Inverse Document Frequency (TF‐IDF). The feature selection is performed using Gazelle Optimization Algorithm (GOA) which removes the irrelevant or redundant features that maximized model performance and classification is performed using Bi LSTM–RAO. The RAO optimizes the loss function of Bi‐LSTM model that maximized accuracy. The classification accuracy of proposed method for Twitter API, Sentiment 140 and SST 2 dataset is obtained as 909.44%, 99.71% and 99.86%, respectively. These obtained results are comparably higher than ensemble framework, Robustly Optimized BERT and Gated Recurrent Unit (RoBERTa‐GRU), Logistic Regression‐Long Short Term Memory (LR‐LSTM), Convolutional Bi‐LSTM, Sentiment and Context Aware Attention‐based Hybrid Deep Neural Network (SCA‐HDNN) and Stochastic Gradient Descent optimization based Stochastic Gate Neural Network (SGD‐SGNN).