DOI: 10.1063/10.0031842 ISSN: 0360-0335
Anisotropy of the quantum correction to the magnetic conductivity of disordered beryllium films
A. V. Butenko, E. I. Bukhshtab, V. Yu. KashirinThe angular dependences of the quantum correction to the magnetic conductivity of beryllium films with a thickness of ∼10−6 cm. The phase shift length of the electron wave function decreases with increasing temperature and the magnetic-conductivity anisotropy, which characterizes the “two-dimensionality” of the localization effect, vanishes. The anisotropy is observed to undergo a reduction, corresponding to the “three-dimensionalization” effect, when the film thickness increases as well as when the film thickness decreases in the case of the thinnest films. This is attributed to the influence that structural inhomogeneities in very thin films have on the phase shift length.