DOI: 10.1097/spv.0000000000001464 ISSN: 2771-1897

Antibiotic Switches in Urinary Tract Infection Are Associated With Atypical Symptoms and Emergent Care

Nuha Khalfay, Kristen Murray, Julianna Shimabukuro, Jeffrey N. Chiang, A. Lenore Ackerman
  • Urology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Surgery


Given worsening global antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial stewardship aims to use the shortest effective duration of the most narrow-spectrum, effective antibiotic for patients with specific urinary symptoms and laboratory testing consistent with urinary tract infection (UTI). Inappropriate treatment and unnecessary antibiotic switching for UTIs harms patients in a multitude of ways.


This study sought to analyze antibiotic treatment failures as measured by antibiotic switching for treatment of UTI in emergent and ambulatory care.

Study Design

For this retrospective cohort study, 908 encounters during July 2019 bearing a diagnostic code for UTI/cystitis in a single health care system were reviewed. Urinary and microbiological testing, symptoms endorsed at presentation, and treatments prescribed were extracted from the medical record.


Of 908 patients diagnosed with UTI, 64% of patients (579/908) received antibiotics, 86% of which were empiric. All patients evaluated in emergent care settings were prescribed antibiotics empirically in contrast to 71% of patients in ambulatory settings (P < 0.001). Of patients given antibiotics, 89 of 579 patients (15%, 10% of all 908 patients) were switched to alternative antibiotics within 28 days. Emergent care settings and positive urine cultures were significantly associated with increased antibiotic switching. Patients subjected to switching tended to have higher rates of presenting symptoms inconsistent with UTI.


Empiric treatment, particularly in an emergent care setting, was frequently inappropriate and associated with increasing rates of antibiotic switching. Given the profound potential contribution to antibiotic resistance, these findings highlight the need for improved diagnostic and prescribing accuracy for UTI.

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