DOI: 10.1111/nicc.13033 ISSN: 1362-1017

Automatic adjustment of oxygen concentration during high‐flow nasal cannula treatment using a targeted SpO2 feedback system

Woo Jung Seo, Eun Young Kim, Ga Jin Seo, Hee Jung Suh, Jin Won Huh, Sang‐Bum Hong, Younsuck Koh, Chae‐Man Lim
  • Critical Care Nursing



To test whether targeted SpO2 feedback (TSF), an automatic control system for fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), achieves more time in the optimal SpO2 range and/or reduces the frequency of manual adjustments to administered FiO2 compared with conventional manual titration in patients with hypoxia on high‐flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy.

Study Design

Twenty‐two patients were recruited from two hospitals. For each, two sessions of manual mode and two sessions of TSF were applied in a random order, each session lasting 2 h. The target SpO2 on TSF was 95%. Oxygen monitoring levels were classified into four SpO2 ranges: hypoxia (≤ 89%), borderline (90%–93%), optimal (94%–96%) and hyperoxia (≥ 97%). The two modes were compared based on the proportion of time spent in each SpO2 range and the number of manual FiO2 adjustments.


The proportion of time in the optimal SpO2 range was 20.5% under manual titration mode and 65.4% under TSF (p < .01). The proportions of time in the hypoxia range were 1.1% and 0.4%, respectively (p = .31), in the borderline range 4.7% and 3.5%, respectively (p = .54), and in the hyperoxia range 73.7% and 30.7%, respectively (p < .01). There were statistical differences only in the optimal and hyperoxia SpO2 ranges. During the 8 h, the frequency of manual FiO2 adjustment was 0.7 times for the manual mode and 0.2 times for TSF, showing no statistically significant difference (p = 0.076).


Compared with manual titration, TSF achieved greater time of the optimal SpO2 and less time of hyperoxia during HFNC. The frequency of manual adjustments on TSF tended to be less than on manual titration mode.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Automatic closed‐loop algorithm FiO2 monitoring systems can achieve better oxygen treatments than conventional monitoring and may reduce nurse workloads. In the era of pandemic respiratory diseases, this system can also facilitate contactless SpO2 monitoring during HFNC therapy.

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