Bacterial interactions on nutrient-rich surfaces in the gut lumen
Bo Huey Chiang, Giovanni Vega, Sarah C. Dunwoody, Michael L. Patnode- Infectious Diseases
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Parasitology
The intestinal lumen is a turbulent, semi-fluid landscape where microbial cells and nutrient-rich particles are distributed with high heterogeneity. Major questions regarding the basic physical structure of this dynamic microbial ecosystem remain unanswered. Most gut microbes are non-motile, and it is unclear how they achieve optimum localization relative to concentrated aggregations of dietary glycans that serve as their primary source of energy. In addition, a random spatial arrangement of cells in this environment is predicted to limit sustained interactions that drive co-evolution of microbial genomes. The ecological consequences of random versus organized microbial localization have the potential to control both the metabolic outputs of the microbiota and the propensity for enteric pathogens to participate in proximity-dependent microbial interactions. Here, we review evidence suggesting that several bacterial species adopt organized spatial arrangements in the gut via adhesion. We highlight examples where localization could contribute to antagonism or metabolic interdependency in nutrient degradation, and we discuss imaging- and sequencing-based technologies that have been used to assess the spatial positions of cells within complex microbial communities.