Basic Logical and Empirical Principles of the Concept of Heterogeneity
Jérôme Boyon- Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Catherine David introduced the concept of heterogeneity during a seminar for teachers. This problematic situation forces teachers to organize a unified course for students mastering the target language at different levels. Taking into account the specific needs of students and their behavior, referred to as learning strategy or style, the concept of heterogeneity finds empirical justifications, which consider it an inevitable element of didactics. The conclusions of this concept are derived from scientific changes at the beginning of the 21st century. In the very specific interpretative logic of the Copenhagen orthodox school, adopted by Christian Puren’s epistemology, the concept of heterogeneity becomes inextricably linked with the concepts of complementarity and complexity. Catherine David proposes to take up this challenge of teaching a heterogeneous class by introducing a differentiated pedagogy, which is presented in the final part of the article.