Celestial Topology, Symmetry Theories, and Evidence for a NonSUSY D3‐Brane CFT
Jonathan J. Heckman, Max HübnerAbstract
Symmetry Theories (SymThs) provide a flexible framework for analyzing the global categorical symmetries of a ‐dimensional in terms of a ‐dimensional bulk system . In QFTs realized via local string backgrounds, these SymThs naturally arise from dimensional reduction of the linking boundary geometry. To track possible time dependent effects we introduce a celestial generalization of the standard “boundary at infinity” of a SymTh. As an application of these considerations we revisit large quiver gauge theories realized by spacetime filling D3‐branes probing a non‐supersymmetric orbifold . Comparing the imprint of symmetry breaking on the celestial geometry at small and large ‘t Hooft coupling we find evidence for an intermediate symmetry preserving conformal fixed point.