Characterization and Nutritional Intervention Effects of Canna edulis Type 5 Resistant Starch in Hyperlipidemia Mice
Houxier Li, Nan Wang, Jiahui Wu, Shuting Tan, Yan Li, Nan Zhang, Li Yang, Aji Li, Rongting Min, Maochun Xiao, Shiyao Su, Xiang Wang, Xueyong WangNumerous reports have indicated that the type 3 resistant starch (RS3) derived from Canna edulis can regulate lipid metabolism. However, it remains unclear whether the type 5 resistant starch (RS5) exhibits similar effects. In this study, RS5 was prepared from Canna edulis native starch and lauric acid through a hydrothermal method for the first time, and its nutritional intervention effects on hyperlipidemia in mice were investigated. The Canna edulis type 5 resistant starch (Ce-RS5) prepared using Canna edulis native starch and lauric acid exhibited a high compound index and resistant starch content, along with decreased swelling power and enhanced starch granule stability. The crystallinity of Ce-RS5 was decreased, and its crystal structure displayed a B+V pattern. Microscopically, the surface appeared rough with deepened grooves, and the granules were loose. Feeding mice with 1.5 g/kg and 3 g/kg of Ce-RS5 significantly reduced their body weight, positively regulated their blood lipid levels, and improved liver damage and fat accumulation. Additionally, Ce-RS5 promoted the abundance of beneficial gut bacteria, such as norank_f_Muribaculaceae, and inhibited the abundance of harmful bacteria like Colidextribacter. This study provides the first evidence of the hypolipidemic and weight loss effects of Ce-RS5 in hyperlipidemia mice.