Complex Left Main Trifurcation: A Case Study of Successful Treatment
Marius Rus, Mihnea-Traian Nichita-Brendea, Mircea-Ioachim Popescu, Georgeta Pașca, Claudia Elena Staniș, Simina CrișanObjectives: True trifurcation disease of the left main coronary artery is a rare situation encountered in clinical practice. To date, there is no evidence for a standardized strategy of percutaneous coronary intervention in this type of lesion. Methods: This article describes a novel three-stent strategy using a combination of Triple-Kissing Balloon Crush in both of the side branches. This technique is based on a well-established bifurcation stenting technique, namely, the Double-Kissing Crush technique. Results: This strategy was implemented successfully, demonstrating technical feasibility and optimal stent apposition in the trifurcation lesion, ensuring the preservation of all three branches. Conclusions: Although more data and clinical trials are needed to develop proper evidence-based guidelines, three-stent implantation with Double-Trissing Crush should be taken into consideration as a viable strategy for LM trifurcation lesions in the proper set of patients.