Concepts and principles for new rapid simple liquid chromatography method for quantification of antioxidants resveratrol, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10 in capsules with high‐performance liquid chromatography with a photo‐diode array detector
Marjan Piponski, Marina Topkoska‐Naumoska, Irena Slaveska‐Spirevska, Martina Miloshevska, Dmytro Korobko, Tetiana Symaniuk, Vanessa Chichebem Okeke, Andrii Zimych, Liliya Logoyda- Filtration and Separation
- Analytical Chemistry
Principles and problems in the development of simultaneous liquid chromatography (LC) analytical methods for potent antioxidative molecules resveratrol, tocopherol, and coenzyme Q10 in capsules, have been investigated and systematically compared and summarized. For these purposes, experiments within the full polarity spectrum of LC techniques. were tested and recorded. The whole range of polarities included: Alkyl C18 bonded reversed phase, phenyl, cyanopropyl, diol, and the most polar base silica‐filled column matrixes have been used. The summarized results concluded that all mentioned LC techniques could be used for the determination of the mentioned group of the three analytes with different run characteristics and efficiency. These successes could be achieved after careful analyses of molecular physicochemical data of analytes. They are especially organic solubilities. The ultraviolet spectral absorption characteristics of each analyte and the mobile phase constituents for appropriate separation were very important to be known. The ultimate targets were the development method with the isocratic mode of separation yielding symmetrical peak shapes for the best sensitivity and accuracy, with the shortest run time and best reproducibility. From an analytical point of view important for LC, the three analytes have quite distinct characteristics that contribute to successful method development. These features are their organic solvent and water solubility, molecular polarities, and ultraviolet‐absorption characteristics, like spectra and absorptivities. All these mentioned parameters were taken into account for solving complications appearing in the development of rapid LC methods for the simultaneous determination of three antioxidant molecules.