Yupal Shukla, Sita Mishra, Ravi Chatterjee, Vibha Arora

Consumer minimalism for sustainability: Exploring the determinants of rental consumption intention

  • Applied Psychology
  • Social Psychology

AbstractThe burgeoning growth of a sharing economy model in the form of a rental business has created a keen interest in understanding various underlying factors that go on to impact consumer behavior. This article aims to understand the antecedents of “rental consumption,” and also examines the concepts of consumer familiarity and minimalism, perceived reputation, ascription responsibility, and perceived consumer effectiveness with the moderating role of consumer skepticism. We empirically tested our proposed framework and examined the mediating role of consumer minimalism vis‐à‐vis its impact on rental consumption behavior. We analyzed data (N = 365) with structural equation modeling AMOS 25 and Process Macro. The findings presumably would enhance the literature on the “sharing economy” by integrating the VBN theory, consumer minimalism, and rental consumption intention. We conclude with theoretical contributions and forward‐looking research directions that emphasize the shift in consumer behavior with minimalistic value, and its implications for organizations operating in a sharing economy.

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