Cool, Correct or Cordial?: Swiss Attitudes towards American, British and Swiss German English
Gina Schaffer, Danielle TodABSTRACT
This study examines language attitudes in the German‐speaking region of Switzerland towards two inner‐circle standard varieties of English, General American, and Standard Southern British English, and one expanding‐circle variety, Swiss German English. This study is the first to consider Swiss attitudes towards a Swiss variety of English and generational differences in Swiss attitudes. A verbal‐guise experiment and survey were conducted with 88 participants living in the German‐speaking region of Switzerland eliciting evaluations on 19 semantic differential scales reflecting status‐ and solidarity‐based traits. Findings confirm the attitudinal tenor in the expanding circle, with both inner‐circle varieties rated higher overall and on status‐based traits than Swiss German English, while Swiss German English was evaluated higher on solidarity‐based traits. Significant age and gender effects were only found for Standard Southern British English, rated more favourably by younger individuals and females. The implications of these results for the education system in Switzerland are subsequently discussed.