Akbar Mohammadi Ajamloo, Mohamed N. Ibrahim, Peter Sergeant

Design, Modelling and Optimization of a High Power Density Axial Flux SRM with Reduced Torque Ripple for Electric Vehicles

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Control and Optimization
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer Science (miscellaneous)
  • Control and Systems Engineering

Switched reluctance machines (SRMs) are potential candidates for use in the propulsion systems of electric vehicles. However, they suffer from low power density and high torque ripple. In this paper, a segmented rotor double-sided axial flux SRM (DSAFSRM) is chosen for detailed analysis. A hybrid design algorithm is proposed to take the effects of iron non-linearity into account. The proposed design procedure benefits from simplicity and high accuracy at the same time. A two-step optimization procedure is presented which minimizes the torque ripple of the DSAFSRM without jeopardizing its efficiency. The torque ripple is reduced from 120% to 35% after optimization. In the two-step optimization procedure, both geometrical and switching related parameters are investigated. Moreover, a double-sided radial flux SRM is designed and compared with the proposed DSAFSRM in terms of torque ripple, average torque, efficiency and power density. The results indicate superior performance of the optimized DSAFSRM, especially in terms of average torque, which is 26% higher than the torque produced by the double-sided radial flux SRM.

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