Designing a Weather Forecasting Application using API
Priyanka Gharad, Suchita Bawne, Poorvi Meshram- General Medicine
A web-based tool called Weather Forecasting App gives users precise weather information according to their location. Numerous characteristics are employed in the proposed online application, including temperature, humidity, wind pressure, wind speed, dawn, and sunset times for the area. The precise locations of a forested and hilly environment can be found in this. All of the weather's parameter data was retrieved for this web application using a JavaScript API. To retrieve weather information specific to the user's location, the open weather map API is utilized in the suggested app.This web-based project is also a very responsive app that can provide a very interactive easy-to-use interface to the user on all their devices. Mean this app is a dynamic site that can change its orientation and size depending upon the user's devices. The purpose of weather forecasting is to provide individuals and organizations with information they can use to reduce climate-related losses and grow the community benefits, which include health and property protection, public health and safety, and support economic prosperity and a standard of living