DOI: 10.1111/jspn.12424 ISSN: 1539-0136

“Diabetes is really simple on paper, but really complicated when you actually have it”: Understanding the daily stressors of adolescents living with Type 1 diabetes

Kaitlyn Rechenberg, Carley Geiss, Rebecca Koerner, Nicole Ríos, Usha Menon
  • Pediatrics



This study aims to explore the daily stressors experienced by adolescents with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and the perceived impact of those stressors on their self‐management and psychological well‐being.

Design and Methods

We conducted semistructured in‐depth telephone interviews using a qualitative descriptive approach with 20 adolescents aged 14–17 years with T1D and analyzed subsequent data using thematic analysis.


Participants who were non‐Hispanic white made up 85% of the sample, 75% identified as female and mean age was 15 years. The study identified two key themes: “the everyday stress of living with diabetes” and “managing stress and supporting psychological well‐being.” Participants described heightened mental load, the impact of daily activities, stress associated with public diabetes management, and added stress due to COVID‐19. Primary mitigation techniques included family support, peer support networks, activity engagement, and personal acceptance of their condition.

Practice Implications

We found that there is a compound effect that occurs with balancing daily disease management with normative activities of daily living. These data will help guide the design of new interventions and tailoring of existing interventions. Future intervention development may include physical exercise, mindfulness training, and stress reducing techniques.

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