Georgi P. Georgiev, Yordan Yordanov, Łukasz Olewnik, Richard Shane Tubbs, Robert F. LaPrade, Julian Ananiev, Svetoslav A. Slavchev, Iva N. Dimitrova, Lyubomir Gaydarski, Boycho Landzhov

Do the Differences in the Epiligament of the Proximal and Distal Parts of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Explain Their Different Healing Capacities? Quantitative and Immunohistochemical Analysis of CD34 and α-SMA Expression in Relation to the Epiliga

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Medicine (miscellaneous)

The aim of this study was to assess the epiligament theory by determining the normal epiligament morphology of the proximal and distal parts of the anterior cruciate ligament in humans and analyzing the differences between them and the midportion of the ligament in terms of cell numbers and expression of CD34 and α-SMA. Samples were obtained from the anterior cruciate ligaments of 12 fresh knee joints. Monoclonal antibodies against CD34 and α-SMA were used for immunohistochemistry. Photomicrographs were analyzed using ImageJ software, version 1.53f. The cell density was higher in the epiligament than in the ligament connective tissue. Cell counts were higher in the proximal and distal thirds than in the midsubstance of the epiligament. CD34 was expressed similarly in the proximal and distal thirds, although it seemed slightly more pronounced in the distal third. α-SMA expression was more robust in the proximal than the distal part. The results revealed that CD34 and α-SMA are expressed in the human epiligament. The differences between the numbers of cells in the proximal and distal parts of the epiligament and the expression of CD34 and α-SMA enhance epiligament theory. Future investigations into improving the quality of ligament healing should not overlook the epiligament theory.

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