DOI: 10.3390/vision9010001 ISSN: 2411-5150

Effect of Hydration on Viscoelastic Tensile Properties of Sclera

Hamed Hatami-Marbini

The present work characterized the effects of hydration on the viscoelastic tensile properties of the sclera. Scleral strips were dissected from the posterior region near the optic nerve head of porcine eyes in the superior–inferior direction. The samples were divided into four hydration groups and their mechanical response was characterized by conducting uniaxial tensile stress–relaxation experiments. An exponential relation and logarithmic expression were used to numerically represent the experimental measurements during the ramp and relaxation periods, respectively. A nonlinear increase in the tensile stress during the ramp period was observed for all strips. Furthermore, it was found that dehydrated specimens had stiffer tensile properties. In particular, it was observed that the maximum and equilibrium stresses increased significantly with decreasing hydration. Furthermore, it was found that the viscoelastic tensile response of porcine scleral strips at different hydration levels could be collapsed onto a single normalized curve. The findings of the present work showed that hydration had significant effects on the viscoelastic tensile properties of sclera.

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