DOI: 10.1063/10.0031856 ISSN: 0360-0335

Effect of striction on high-frequency magnetic susceptibility for second-order phase transition in a magnetic field

I. M. Vitebskii, I. Ya. Granovskii, N. K. Dan’shin, G. G. Levchenko, M. A. Sdvizhkov

The influence of magnetoelastic effects on the high-frequency magnetic susceptibility of a crystal is studied in a magnetic field. It is shown that at frequencies satisfying the condition ωs ≫ ω ≫ vL−1 (ωs is the minimum frequency characterizing the dynamics of the magnetic subsystem, v the velocity of sound, L the smallest linear dimension of the sample), the difference between the high-frequency susceptibility and its static counterpart is determined completely by the striction effects. Measurements carried out on ErFeO3 in the metamagnetic phase transition region are found to be in qualitative agreement with the theoretical estimates.

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