Effectiveness of turbulent fountains in frost mitigation and pollution control
Daniel Freire Caporale, Luis G. Sarasúa, Nicasio Barrere, Arturo C. MartiWe investigate the efficacy of turbulent fountains as a tool for frost mitigation and pollution control in stratified ambient fluids. By examining the interaction between the ejected fountain fluid and the lower atmospheric layers, we develop predictive models to assess their impact on temperature distribution and the return of polluted ejected fluid to the ground. This analysis covers a range of fountain parameters, including Fr−2 and u′/U, where Fr is the Froude number and u′/U represents the turbulent intensity at the inlet. Notably, we identify an optimal set of parameter values where the temperature rise is maximized. This optimal condition occurs in the so-called semi-collapse regime, as described by Sarasúa et al. [“The influence of source Froude number and turbulent fluctuations on the development of turbulent fountains in stratified ambient,” Flow, Turbul. Combust. 112(4), 1009–1025 (2024)], where the returning fluid, mixed with warmer upper ambient layers, significantly increases local temperature. Our findings underscore the importance of carefully tuning fountain parameters to balance their effects on the surrounding environment, offering valuable insights for the practical use of turbulent fountains in environmental management.