DOI: 10.1103/physrevapplied.22.044014 ISSN: 2331-7019
Entanglement source and quantum memory analysis for zero-added-loss multiplexing
Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Michael G. Raymer, Clark Embleton, Franco N.C. Wong, Brian J. Smith High-rate, high-fidelity entanglement distribution is essential to the creation of a quantum internet, but recent achievements in fiber (248 km at a 9-s−1 rate) and satellite-based (1200 km at a 1.1-s−1 rate) entanglement distribution fall far short of what is needed. Chen . [Phys. Rev. Appl. , 054209 (2023)] proposed a means for dramatically increasing entanglement-distribution rates via a scheme they called zero-added-loss multiplexing (ZALM). ZALM’s quantum transmitter employs a pair of Sagnac-configured spontaneous parametric down-converters (SPDCs), channelization via dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) filtering, and partial Bell-state measurements (BSMs) to realize a heralded source of frequency-multiplexed polarization-entangled biphotons. Each biphoton is transmitted to Alice and Bob along with a classical message identifying its frequency channel and whether a ψ− singlet or a ψ+ triplet was heralded. Alice’s and Bob’s quantum receivers then use DWDM filtering and temporal-mode conversion to interface their received biphotons to intracavity color-center quantum memories. This paper delves deeply into ZALM’s SPDCs, partial BSMs, and Duan-Kimble loading of Alice’s and Bob’s quantum memories. Its principal results—the density operators for the SPDC sources and the quantum memories—allow heralding probability, heralding efficiency, and fidelity to be evaluated for both the polarization-entangled biphotons and the loaded quantum memories, thus enabling exploration of the parameter space for optimizing ZALM’s performance. Even without a comprehensive optimization analysis, the paper’s examples already demonstrate two critical features of the ZALM architecture: (1) the necessity of achieving a near-separable channelized biphoton wave function to ensure that the biphoton sent to Alice and Bob is of high purity; and (2) the premium placed on Alice’s and Bob’s temporal-mode converters enabling narrowband push-pull memory loading to ensure that the arriving biphoton’s state is faithfully transferred to the intracavity color centers.
Published by the American Physical Society