DOI: 10.1002/gea.22006 ISSN: 0883-6353

Experimental generation of patina on glass

Penelope Clifford, Vic Semeniuk
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Archeology
  • Archeology


Patina formed on ancient glass holds potential to be a useful tool in determining the age of patina and to interpreting its formative environment climatically, pedogenically, hydrochemically and biologically. To date, its usefulness in this regard appears to have been underestimated. However, if patina is to be used as a reliable indicator of age and the environmental conditions underpinning its formation, there needs to be a systematic examination and understanding of its development under controlled laboratory conditions using various types of glass and with various climate types and soil types. As such, to calibrate and interpret the age of patina, processes of its development and products of its formation, we believe that it is useful to produce patina under varying experimental conditions in the laboratory. This paper focuses on the successful experimental development of patina on glass under controlled laboratory conditions and paves the way for further exploration of the rich resource of information that can result from such experimentation. We cannot produce in detail the full range of long‐term products of patination.

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