DOI: 10.3390/fire6080288 ISSN: 2571-6255

Experimental Study of the Combustion of and Emissions from Olive and Citrus Pellets in a Small Boiler

Adriano Palma, Francesco Gallucci, Salvatore Papandrea, Monica Carnevale, Enrico Paris, Beatrice Vincenti, Mariangela Salerno, Valerio Di Stefano, Andrea Rosario Proto
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Safety Research
  • Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
  • Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
  • Building and Construction
  • Forestry

Agro-industrial activities generate a great amount of bioproducts as biomass residues containing energy and with potentially useful applications in the thermochemical conversion process. The management of this feedstock as uncontrolled combustion (“open burning”) can often be a problem within the supply chain for disposal practices, both in environmental and economic aspects. The residual matrices from agroforestry biomass processing can be treated to increase their energy levels and economic value. A widespread practice for sustainable disposal is the production of pellets from residual biomass, such as pruning. The aim of this study is to explore the combustion of pellets obtained from olive and citrus pruning, and their emissions into the atmosphere. This study confirms the possibility of using waste biomass to obtain a high-energy biofuel that is usable in a controlled combustion system and to monitor the process and its related emissions (CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, PM). Three different pellets (olive pellet, citrus pellet and a pellet obtained from a mix of olive and citrus) were characterized to determine their physicochemical properties and burned in an 80 kWth boiler equipped with multicyclone filter bags as an abatement system to evaluate relative emission. The characterization results show that citrus pellet has a higher ash content, moisture content and lower energy value than mixtures of olive pellet. The emission results suggest that, during combustion, higher emissions of CO and SO2 were monitored from mixtures of citrus pellet compared to burning only olive pellet.

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