Jasper Bussemaker, Luca Boggero, Pier Davide Ciampa

From System Architecting to System Design and Optimization: A Link Between MBSE and MDAO

  • Automotive Engineering

AbstractOptimization of system architectures can help deal with finding better system architectures in a large design space plagued by combinatorial explosion of alternatives. To enable architecture optimization, the design space should therefore be formalized into a numerical optimization problem, and it should be possible to quantitatively evaluate architecture alternatives. This paper presents a methodology for generating and modeling architecture design spaces using the Architecture Design Space Graph (ADSG), and using collaborative Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) techniques to evaluate architectures. Collaborative MDAO leverages disciplinary expertise while ensuring that analysis tools exchange data consistently and correctly using a central data schema. The problem solved in this paper is the missing link between architecture optimization and collaborative MDAO: the reflection of generated architectures in the central data schema. It is solved by the authors by mapping architecture components and Quantities of Interest (QOIs) to the central data schema using Data Schema Operations (DSOs). Such a mapping also assists the user in identifying missing or unnecessary disciplinary analysis tools. Three web‐based software tools implementing the methodology are presented. Finally, the methodology and tools are demonstrated using the design of a supersonic business jet as an example.

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