Mirjam Bonanno, Alessandro Marco De Nunzio, Angelo Quartarone, Annalisa Militi, Francesco Petralito, Rocco Salvatore Calabrò

Gait Analysis in Neurorehabilitation: From Research to Clinical Practice

  • Bioengineering

When brain damage occurs, gait and balance are often impaired. Evaluation of the gait cycle, therefore, has a pivotal role during the rehabilitation path of subjects who suffer from neurological disorders. Gait analysis can be performed through laboratory systems, non-wearable sensors (NWS), and/or wearable sensors (WS). Using these tools, physiotherapists and neurologists have more objective measures of motion function and can plan tailored and specific gait and balance training early to achieve better outcomes and improve patients’ quality of life. However, most of these innovative tools are used for research purposes (especially the laboratory systems and NWS), although they deserve more attention in the rehabilitation field, considering their potential in improving clinical practice. In this narrative review, we aimed to summarize the most used gait analysis systems in neurological patients, shedding some light on their clinical value and implications for neurorehabilitation practice.

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