Guided tissue regeneration and orthodontic movement for the treatment of pathological migration in esthetic zone
Vaishnavi Ramakant Chodankar, Nikita Ravindra Baheti, Vaibhav Anandrao Karemore, Wasundhara Ashok Bhad, Mangesh Bhalchandra Phadnaik, Santosh Jetu Chavan- Periodontics
Pathological migration is one of the chief complaints of patients-seeking dental treatment. It results in difficulty in mastication, speech, poor esthetic appearance, and decreased self-confidence. The prevalence ranges from 21.73% to 55.8% in patients having moderate-to-severe periodontitis. In this presentation, a 38-year-old adult male, systemically healthy, nonsmoking presented with the complaint of mobility and forward displacement of maxillary anterior tooth causing poor esthetic appearance and low self-esteem. He was treated with the interdisciplinary approach of periodontal and orthodontic intervention. Two-year posttreatment follow-up shows significant improvement in esthetics, periodontal status, and boosted the self-confidence of the patient and improved the oral health-related quality of life. This case emphasizes the importance of regenerative therapy and orthodontic movement for the treatment of periodontally compromised pathologically migrated tooth in adult patient.