High-Density Genetic Map and QTL Analysis in Cunninghamia lanceolate: Insights into Growth and Wood-Color Traits
Xingbin Chen, Caiyun Xiong, Yongfeng Lou, Haining Xu, Qiangqiang Cheng, Shiwu Sun, Fuming Xiao- Forestry
Cunninghamia lanceolata is one of the most important tree species in China due to its significance both in economy and ecology. The aims of the present study were to construct a high-density genetic map and identify a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for C. lanceolata. In this study, an F1 population comprising 81 individuals was developed. Using specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) technology, a total of 254,899 loci were found to be polymorphic. After linkage analysis, 2574 markers were used to construct genetic linkage maps. Specifically, 1632 markers were allocated to 11 linkage groups (LGs) for the female map, 1038 for the male map, and 2574 for the integrated map. The integrated map consisted of 4596 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) loci, resulting in an average of 1.79 SNP loci per SLAF marker. The marker coverage was 1665.76 cM for the female map, 1436.39 cM for the male map, and 1748.40 cM for the integrated map. The average interval between two adjacent mapped markers was 1.03 cM, 1.40 cM, and 0.68 cM for the female map, male map, and integrated map, respectively. Using the integrated map, we performed interval mapping (logarithm of odds, LOD > 2.0) to detect traits of interest. We identified a total of 2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 1, and 3 QTLs for diameter at breast height, heartwood diameter, heartwood proportion, heartwood a*, heartwood b*, heartwood L*, sapwood a*, and sapwood L*, respectively. The number of markers associated with each QTL ranged from 1 to 14, and each marker explained phenotypic variances ranging from 12.70% to 23.60%. Furthermore, a common QTL was identified for diameter at breast height and heartwood color a*, while another common QTL was observed for heartwood color L* and heartwood color a*. These findings suggest possible pleiotropic effects of the same genes on these traits. In conclusion, we successfully constructed high-density genetic maps for C. lanceolata using the SLAF-seq method with an F1 population. Notably, these linkage maps represent the most comprehensive and densest ones available to date for C. lanceolata and will facilitate future chromosome assignments for C. lanceolata whole-genome sequencing. These identified QTLs will serve as a valuable resource for conducting fine-scale QTL mapping and implementing marker-assisted selection in C. lanceolata, particularly for growth and wood-color traits.