Federica Taccini, Stefania Mannarini

How Are Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Portrayed on Social Media?

  • Applied Psychology
  • Communication
  • Social Psychology

Abstract: The aim of the present systematic review was to examine the state of social media representation of women with an experience of sexual violence (SV) and/or intimate partner violence (IPV), as social media has become a significant communication platform for developing social representations of public health issues. The review followed the PRISMA guidelines and was pre-registered in PROSPERO. PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed were searched, and seven articles met the inclusion criteria. The review identified two distinct portrayals of women with experiences of violence on social media: a stigmatizing representation of women as victims and a portrayal of women as survivors. Therefore, the review shows that social media has the potential to convey a positive representation of women and to raise public awareness on this social issue. Nonetheless, if not used responsibly, social media can contribute to spreading stigmatizing beliefs toward violence against women. In conclusion, this review provides an up-to-date understanding of the portrayal of women with an experience of violence on social media, highlighting the significant influence that social media has on public perceptions.

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