Jason Peeler, Steve Mann, Taylor Orchard, Jaime Yu

Inadequacies in Undergraduate Musculoskeletal Education - A Survey of Nationally Accredited Allopathic Medical Programs in Canada

  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

Abstract Objective To document the current state of MSK medicine education across nationally accredited undergraduate medical programs. Design A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather curricular data on three MSK themes: 1) anatomy education; 2) preclinical education; and 3) clerkship education. Results The survey had a 100% response rate with all 14 english language medical schools in Canada responding. The mean time spent teaching MSK anatomy was 29.8 hours (SD ± 13.7, range 12 – 60), with all but one program using some form of cadaveric-based instruction. MSK preclinical curricula averaged 58.0 hours (SD ± 53.4, range 6 - 204), with didactic lectures, case-based learning, and small group tutorials being the most common modes of instruction. Curricular content varied greatly, with only 25% of “core or must-know” MSK topics being covered in detail by all programs. MSK training in clerkship was required by only 50% of programs, most commonly being two-weeks in duration. Conclusion Results document the large variability and curricular inadequacies that exist in MSK education across nationally accredited allopathic programs and highlight the need for the identification and implementation of more consistent MSK curricular content and educational standards by all nationally accredited medical programs.

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