Emma Brännlund, Michael Buser, Nicola Holt, Julie Mytton, Afeefa Fazli, Loraine Leeson, Anurupa Roy, Vikramjeet Sinha

In/secure childhoods: Children and conflict in Kashmir

  • Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Sociology and Political Science
  • Anthropology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Life-span and Life-course Studies

This paper focuses on art productions by children participating in an art-based wellbeing intervention project in Kashmir. Drawing on feminist security studies, we conducted narrative analysis to explore how children represent in/security. The locations of in/security were the environment, the body, and the socio-political realm. Children articulated nuanced and complex representations of the natural and social world, influenced by local and global forces, and created their own meanings and practices of in/security.

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