Zeynep Ayguzer Yasar, Matthew M. Koelle, Richard A. Haber

Investigation of the effect of impurity of precursor materials on Si‐doped boron carbide properties

  • Materials Chemistry
  • Marketing
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Ceramics and Composites

AbstractBoron carbide is a notable ceramic, with its high hardness and low density. However, it suffers a sudden loss in strength under high shear stress. Doping boron carbide with Si/B is widely used to increase its resistance to amorphization. High purity boron and silicon hexaboride precursor powders are used for doping boron carbide, but these materials have high costs and supply chain constraints. This research investigated the effect of substituting lower purity B or using pure Si powder instead of SiB6 on materials’ properties such as elastic and mechanical properties, microstructure, and amorphization resistances. It was observed that using lower‐purity boron or pure Si powder instead of SiB6 did not significantly affect critical properties, such as fracture toughness, hardness, or amorphization resistance. However, Young's modulus values decreased as B purity decreased and as Si was used instead of SiB6. These findings demonstrate that substituting precursor materials in Si/B co‐doped B4C is possible with little change in the material's properties. This facilitates the use of easier‐to‐access, cheaper production routes to be used for silicon‐doped boron carbide products.

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