Robert T Dauchy, John P Hanifin, George C Brainard, David E Blask

Light: An Extrinsic Factor Influencing Animal-based Research

  • Animal Science and Zoology

Light is an environmental factor that is extrinsic to animals themselves and that exerts a profound influence on the regulation of circadian, neurohormonal, metabolic, and neurobehavioral systems of all animals, including research animals. These widespread biologic effects of light are mediated by distinct photoreceptors—rods and cones that comprise the conventional visual system and melanopsin-containing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) of the nonvisual system that interact with the rods and cones. The rods and cones of the visual system, along with the ipRGCs of the nonvisual system, are species distinct in terms of opsins and opsin concentrations and interact with one another to provide vision and regulate circadian rhythms of neurohormonal and neurobehavioral responses to light. Here, we review a brief history of lighting technologies, the nature of light and circadian rhythms, our present understanding of mammalian photoreception, and current industry practices and standards. We also consider the implications of light for vivarium measurement, production, and technological application and provide simple recommendations on artificial lighting for use by regulatory authorities, lighting manufacturers, designers, engineers, researchers, and research animal care staff that ensure best practices for optimizing animal health and well-being and, ultimately, improving scientific outcomes.

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