DOI: 10.1002/malq.202100076 ISSN: 0942-5616

Logics of upsets of De Morgan lattices

Adam Přenosil
  • Logic


We study logics determined by matrices consisting of a De Morgan lattice with an upward closed set of designated values, such as the logic of non‐falsity preservation in a given finite Boolean algebra and Shramko's logic of non‐falsity preservation in the four‐element subdirectly irreducible De Morgan lattice. The key tool in the study of these logics is the lattice‐theoretic notion of an n‐filter. We study the logics of all (complete, consistent, and classical) n‐filters on De Morgan lattices, which are non‐adjunctive generalizations of the four‐valued logic of Belnap and Dunn (of the three‐valued logics of Priest and Kleene, and of classical logic). We then show how to find a finite Hilbert‐style axiomatization of any logic determined by a finite family of prime upsets of finite De Morgan lattices and a finite Gentzen‐style axiomatization of any logic determined by a finite family of filters on finite De Morgan lattices. As an application, we axiomatize Shramko's logic of anything but falsehood.

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