Xiaopeng Cheng, Bowen Xu, Bingxi Lei, Shanfeng Wang

Opposite Mechanical Preference of Bone/Nerve Regeneration in 3D‐printed Bioelastomeric Scaffolds/Conduits Consistently Correlated with YAP‐Mediated Stem Cell Osteo/Neuro‐genesis

  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomaterials

AbstractTo systematically unveil how substrate stiffness, a critical factor in directing cell fate through mechanotransduction, correlates with tissue regeneration, we present newly synthesized biodegradable and photo‐curable poly(trimethylene carbonate) fumarates (PTMCFs) for fabricating elastomeric 2D substrates and 3D bone scaffolds/nerve conduits. These substrates and structures with adjustable stiffness serve as a unique platform to evaluate how this mechanical cue affects the fate of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and hard/soft tissue regeneration in rat femur bone defect and sciatic nerve transection models, whilest decoupling from other topographical and chemical cues. In addition to a positive relationship between substrate stiffness (tensile modulus: 90–990 kPa) and hMSC adhesion, spreading, and proliferation mediated through Yes‐associated protein (YAP), opposite mechanical preference is revealed in the osteogenesis and neurogenesis of hMSCs as they are significantly enhanced on the stiff and compliant substrates, respectively. In vivo tissue regeneration in 3D‐printed PTMCF bone scaffolds and nerve conduits demonstrates the same trend: bone regeneration prefers the stiffer scaffolds while nerve regeneration prefers the more compliant conduits. Whole‐transcriptome analysis further shows that upregulation of Rho GTPase activity and the downstream genes in the compliant group promotes peripheral nerve repair, providing critical insight into the design strategies of biomaterials for stem cell regulation and hard/soft tissue regeneration through mechanotransduction.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

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