Andie Kwon, Austin Hwang, Corinne H. Miller, Antonia Reimer‐Taschenbrecker, Amy S. Paller

Osteoporosis and bone health in pediatric patients with epidermolysis bullosa: A scoping review

  • Dermatology
  • Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

AbstractNutritional compromise, low levels of vitamin D, chronic inflammation, abnormal growth, and physical inactivity affect bone metabolism and compromise long‐term bone health in individuals with epidermolysis bullosa (EB). The result is a high risk for osteopenia, osteoporosis, and pathologic fractures, but this important consequence of EB has been the focus of few investigations. Our scoping review found 21 publications that assessed the current understanding and clinical practices for monitoring of osteoporosis and its treatment in EB. Recommendations summarized from 13 of these publications include early nutritional and weight assessments before 2 years of age; bloodwork every 6–12 months starting at birth; Tanner stage assessments every 6 months to detect any pubertal delay; DEXA scans starting at age 6 years with repeated scans every 1–2 years, except in mild cases; and vitamin D supplementation of 80–320 IU daily for children 0–7 years and 720 IU for patients >8 years.

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