DOI: 10.1111/rda.14406 ISSN: 0936-6768

Overview of the causes of abortion in horses, their follow‐up and management

Albertine Leon, Clément Pillon, Inès Tebourski, Jean‐François Bruyas, Coralie Lupo
  • Endocrinology
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Biotechnology


Abortions in horses represent an important health and economic challenge for equine industry. Primary causes of abortion are divided in non‐infectious and infectious. Non‐infectious causes include abnormalities of foetal appendices (umbilical cord and placenta essentially), abnormalities of gestation, maternal and foetal origins. Infectious abortions are caused in almost cases by bacterial infections, followed by viruses, fungi and parasites. New abortive pathogens (as Leptospira, Neospora caninum, Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydophila abortus, and) have been confirmed in equines by comparison already known for their abortive properties in human or in other species. Despite an increasing number of autopsies and continuous improvements in diagnostic tools, in management and surveillance, 20%–40% of the causes of equine abortion remain unknown depending on the country. To increase the likelihood of a definitive diagnosis in cases of abortion and stillbirth in horses, new diagnostic approaches are needed.

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