Melanie Krüger, Claudia Biniossek, Markus Stocker, Dirk Betz

Perspectives and Potentials of Open Data for the Sports Sciences

  • Applied Psychology
  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Social Psychology

Abstract: Open Science practices have become well established in recent years. In this position paper, we argue that Open Data in particular holds great potential for empirical research in sports science, and sport and exercise psychology in particular, since it fosters the reintegration of scientific knowledge as primary research data in subsequent research life cycles. On that account, the sports science community has to develop a unified position on research data management, which supports the implementation of Open Science practices and standards. To this end, in this article we first define Open Science and research data management (RDM) and describe them in the context of sports science. We then present examples of existing, relevant RDM solutions, with a particular focus on sport and exercise psychology and neighboring disciplines. Finally, we derive perspectives for the development of a sustainable RDM structure and present current developments within the German sports science community.

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