Rida Khurshid, Aisha Farid

Power And Identity In Taylor Swift's Song, 'Look What You Made Me Do': A Deconstructive Analysis

  • General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

In this paper, we analyze Taylor Swift's song 'look what you made me do' using Derrida's deconstructive approach to identify hidden meanings and assumptions and explore the role of language in shaping them. We examine the lyrics to detect specificities that reveal tensions or contradictions within the text, using language and symbolism to deconstruct societal power dynamics and hierarchies. The lyrics suggest that the speaker is a victim forced to take certain actions, and the video features multiple versions of Taylor Swift, implying that her identity is fluid and constantly evolving. By employing deconstructive techniques such as repetition and intertextuality, Swift creates a sense of instability and ambiguity that encourages listeners to question their assumptions and think critically about how power operates in our society. This complex and multilayered song challenges traditional understandings of power, agency, and identity.

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