Ruihong Xu, Yuxin Chen, Dongpeng He, Guobin Zhang, Qiang Luo, Hongtao Zhan, Fasi Wu

Preliminary Study on Microbial Deterioration Control and Effectiveness Evaluation in the Neolithic Prehistoric Archaeological Site of Dadiwan, Northwest China

  • Materials Chemistry
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films
  • Surfaces and Interfaces

Microbial deterioration as one of the widespread problems in archaeological site museums significantly affects their safety and exhibits. This paper systemically investigated the environments and conditions of microbial outbreaks in the Dadiwan No. F901 site museum, which is a representative archaeological site of prehistoric Yangshao culture. The morphology and harmful characteristics of the outbreak microorganisms were analyzed by microscopic techniques. The ultraviolet resistance of harmful microorganisms was also studied. Combining these findings with the original facilities of the site museum, a scientific and reasonable project was proposed to control and prevent the activity of harmful microorganisms. In addition, a 1% OIT/DCOIT biocide concentration was applied to inhibit microorganism-caused deterioration, in combination with mechanical removal based on laboratory tests and screening in situ. The effectiveness of microbial control was assessed using a portable microscope, ATP bioluminescence assay, and color difference detection. As a long-lasting preventive measure for microbial deterioration, an ultraviolet sterilization system can efficaciously prevent the re-outbreak of microbial deterioration to form a relatively stable dynamic balance for the surroundings of the site. This study is a resultful exploration in terms of microbial control and plays an important role in the sustainable protection of archaeological site museums.

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